среда, 14. септембар 2011.

Soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal

soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal

Apreliminary report of Mandal, Anil K; Majjia, Ajit B, Mandal, Soma P, Das, Taraprasad; Jalali, Subhadra; Gothwal, Vijaya K, Jain Sunil S; Nutheti, Rishita December 2002, 50 (4) :287-93, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate the safety and efficacy of trabeculectomy with intraoperative mitomycin C (MMC) in the management of neovascular glaucoma eyes (NVG). METHODS: Fifteen eyes of 14 patients with NVG were included in the study. NVG was secondary to retinal vein occlusion Central (3 eyes), vein occlusion hemiretinal (2 eyes), proliferative diabetic retinopathy (8 eyes), retinal vein occlusion (1 eye) and idiopathic (one eye) . Preoperative retinal ablation was performed in the evidence of soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal ischemia ojoscon posterior segment. After that, all eyes underwent soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal trabeculectomy with intraoperative MMC (0.4 mg / ml for 3 minutes).

The evaluation of clinical outcomes included visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), the appearance of bubbles, the identification of complications and glaucoma medications to control IOP.

Results: soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal The mean IOP decreased from 38.6 + / - 12.9 mm Hg (range, 15-64 mm Hg) to 17.4 + / - 9.33 mm Hg (range: 4-34 mmHg) (p = 0.soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal 001). The preoperative visual acuity ranged from light perception to 06/09 in the soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal affected eye. Thirteen (86.6%) of 15 eyes improved vision or retained preoperative vision, one (6.7%) soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal eyes lost light perception and one (6.7%) eye developed tractional retinal soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal detachment, two years after trabeculectomy.

Ten (66.7%) of 15 eyes were classified as surgical success with an average of 28.6 + / - 26.soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal 3 months (range 2-82 months). No patients developed choroidal haemorrhage, hypotony maculopathy, late onset bleb leak or endophthalmitis. Conclusion: Trabeculectomy with intraoperative MMC is a treatment modality in the successful management of eyes with NVG ID: J0144894, year: 2002, vol 50, page: 287, stat: Journal article, bones and joints Staphylococcus aureus infections Mandal , S, Berendt AR, Peacock, SJ 2002 Apr; 44 (3) :143-51, the Journal of the ID of infection: J0145341, year: 2002, Volume 44, page 143, Numbers Thread: article review, prevention of infection with Staphylococcus aureus in the renal Peacock SJ, Mandal S, Bowler, ICJW 2002 Jun; 95 (6) :405-10, MDQ: monthly journal of the Association of Physicians ID: J0145342, year: 2002, Volume 95, page 405, stat: Journal article, call us for more information: 212-263-7300 Jury awards $7M to Jersey City woman who broke elbow at PATH station Register soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal for free or login with these services: The jury unanimously awarded $ 7,231,397 to Soma Mandal, a Manhattan internist soma rheumatology painful muscoloskeletal who lives in Jersey City.

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